
Coastal Tea Tree & Kunzea Oil

We are pleased to be bringing another fantastic essential oil to the market through Essential Oils of Tasmania (EOT) who have breathed new life into the current viability, availability and future sustainability of Kunzea Oil and are now pleased to also add Coastal Tea Tree to their portfolio.

EOT’s project on Flinders Island is continuing to yield fascinating results. First the rebirth of Kunzea ambigua Oil to become the only sustainable source of this amazing essential oil and now they’ve added Coastal Tea Tree Oil.

Those who know Australia and Kunzea Oil will tell you that the best Kunzea Oil comes from the Tasmanian State where the plant grows wild and naturally. In fact many will point to the odour description of the oil as being reminiscent of the scent that fills your senses when you first step foot onto Flinders Island. The plant is the Island and the Island is in the plant!

Kunzea ambigua in blossom courtesy of

Once only cultivated to produce a few kilos of oil each year, EOT, through their farming network have been investing in recent years in a project on Flinders Island to allow for ethical and sustainable farming of Kunzea and other interesting native plants and trees. As a result, Kunzea has enjoyed a recent boom in interest after the product was successfully introduced across global aromatherapy brands and today EOT have the infrastructure to support more brands and new product development in other areas on this incredible essential oil.

Coastal Tea Tree is a unique variety of the myrtle family Leptospermum. Although it isn’t as widely known as its Leptospermum cousins such as Manuka and Lemon Tea Tree, the oil found in its leaves is just as aromatic and effective with many interesting uses.

Coastal Tea Tree (Leptospermum laevigatum)is sourced from wild-crafted stock found in the pristine coastal dune environment of Tasmania’s Flinders Island. The leaves and branchlets of this tall bushy shrub are steam-distilled, producing a pure oil that boasts a sweet earthy scent with light woody and citrus tones.

Leptospermum laevigatum in blossom courtesy of

Coastal Tea Tree essential oil also contains compounds which have a range of beneficial properties including anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-viral. It is therefore ideal for use in therapeutic settings such as spas and massage rooms, and in aromatherapy applications for overall well-being, reducing stress and improving respiratory function.

Capacities are set to increase in the coming years allowing for further engagement between the farmers, distillers and end users to take place, thus ensuring the product enters a successful and sustainable period.

Download the data sheets from the EOT Project Page.
You can also discover more on the EOT website.