Jandico – A moment to reflect
Reflecting on our first full year of producer representation is an interesting thought process. There are plenty of things I think we’ve got right, in particular our business model, but as with everything there’s lots room for improvement and plenty to do!
There have been a number of factors which have led to some early success, in particular the trust put on us from our initial partners like Elcor-M, Heritage Oils, Aromax, Dutjahn Sandalwood Oils and FROST, all of which believed in our model before it was tested in the marketplace. Then you have some loyal clients and friends of many years which always makes business easier and happier but at the same time we’re in a competitive world so the business still has to make sense for everyone involved. Our thanks goes out to all who have supported us in the past 12 months.

As we are already near the end of the first quarter of 2019 we are now working with 10 different producers from 7 countries on 5 continents covering over 50 botanical oils of which more and more are focused across the organic sectors. That’s an incredible portfolio which includes a broad mix of essential oils from the mainstream to the unusual and the more exotic and premium grades of oil. This covers the food, flavour, fragrance and aromatherapy markets.
At the beginning of 2019 we welcomed two new partners in Ess Oil Ltd from Rwanda and GSL Naturals from Sri Lanka. The two businesses are very different in their structure, their product offer and the communities and countries in which they are based but we all share a common goal, just like the other 8 companies already in our portfolio. We are passionate about achieving a sustainable business model which empowers these producers to move forward in the essential oil market with confidence and we are determined to help them find viable partners in which they can trust and have a long term business.
After over 20 years in the industry, viewing it from many angles, you’d think you know a thing or two about essential oils and the marketplace but more so than ever before, in the last 12 months, I feel like I have learnt more about the industry than in the past 2 decades! It’s not a joke but when you sit down as we do with each producer and get to know them, their challenges, their ambitions and share ideas from one producer in Africa with a producer in Australia or one in the Americas with one in Asia or vice versa you get some incredible conversation pieces. Then you work with a producer who may have just one or two oils in their portfolio and they’re incredibly passionate about that oil, their local communities and their country. They know everything about that one oil and their local market and they are more than happy to share. Some problems can be unique to one producer, product or country or they can be common issues we all face but when you listen and work together you can really make some positive outcomes and this is what our business is about.
Hopefully we’re not just working for today but for the long-term future of our partners and more so, the essential oil market itself. Short and transparent supply chains is what I believe will ultimately be the only way forward and with it create a balanced and sustainable essential oil market. It’s been an enjoyable journey so far and one which I believe has only just started some 20+ years after my first day in the industry!
Jonpaul Howarth
Director & Co-Founder